- Title: Sermons for Life
- Author: Dr. Gerald Sutek, Th.D., Ph.D.
- Publisher: European Missionary Press
- Pages: 144
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-3-941398-04-7
- Weight: 0.194 kg
Nineteen effective sermon outlines complete with illustrations and interesting points to ponder. Tools for any preacher to use to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering.
Six complete sermons in a matching set to be used individually or for a revival, Bible conference or Sunday night series.
Five dramativ Sunday School lessons for adults, teens, or children. These can also used when all these groups meet together. Complete instructions for a most interesting visual/audioaffect in Sunday School.
An excert from, The Ministry, another book by the same author.
A wealth of ideas, outlines, and tools for preaching and teaching the Bible.
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